Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bat Mitzvah Photography by Sara Waterman Photography

So much fun! This was the first Bat Mitzvah that I have ever been to, let alone photograph. Wow, smoke DJ's confetti, great music, happy people, great food and dancing galore. I can't believe I actually got paid for this job, I think I had more fun than anyone else... well except the VIP, she had a blast. I wish I was practicing Jewish, because these parties are a blast... enjoy some highlights. Shot by Sara Waterman Photography Family and Event Photography

1 comment:

  1. Great event.. Everyone spend hours preparing for their child’s Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah and want everything to be perfect... Many families hire a professional photographer for their child’s bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah, and for good reason.

    DC Mitzvah Photography
