Saturday, February 7, 2015

Newborn Session tips from Central NJ Photographer

A few tips for your newborn session
Timing: If you want those “traditional” baby poses, all scrunched up and perfectly sleepy make sure you schedule your session before 14 days after birth. 10 days is even better!
Heat it up: Crank that heat, for many poses your newborn will have little clothing on, so let’s keep them comfortable and happy.
Poop happens: I have 2 kiddos of my own, I’m used to it, don’t even think twice.
Props: I have a few headbands and hats, that I’ll bring, but I’m more of a natural photographer… if you have something you are itching to use, by all means bring them! I have a few blankets I wash every time and use, but if you have one that is meaningful we can certainly use that to.
Relax!: I know post birth the last thing you feel like is dolling up… but this is a great time to get some shots with you holding baby, go ahead do you nails, do your hair, it’s always feels good anyway.
Tire baby out: I know I know last thing you want to do right now is keep baby up… but try to keep baby up for a few hours before I come, give a good feeding right before I come and if we cross our fingers we will have a sleepy dreamy baby to photograph :)
Make the bed: I will take the traditional baby on the blanket shots… but it’s also so fun to get the family on a bed with baby, it really shows true life. If you have a white or light color comforter, use that, keeping things light and airy always looks good. 
Have fun and relax! 

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