Monday, March 9, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tips for photographing in the snow by New Jersey Photographer, Sara Waterman

- Dress warm - duh! It's cold outside.
-Keep your camera cold - don't try to warm it up in your jacket, the lens will fog, no good.
-If you outside for a while carry an extra battery, batteries drain more quickly in the cold.
-Overexpose, if you want white snow, overexpose your shot to compensate for your cameras tendency to equalize 18% gray.
-Contrast rocks, white snow, bright bold colors on people look amazing in my opinion.
-HDR, it's hard to get detail in the snow, if you can bracket or shoot in HDR, try it you will see wonderful detail in your snow.
-Be careful of footsteps, if you are shooting people, be mindful of the messy footstep tracks, smooth snow looks clean and beautiful, of course there is always photoshop to help here.
-White vignette - I 99% of the time hate white 90' style vignette  - but in snow shots, it can look great, give it a try.
Have fun!
-Sara Waterman, Central NJ Family and Event Photographer.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Taking a killer selfie part one

Focus on your best feature, do you have full lips? Smear on that ruby red lipstick. Are you a doe eyed jane? Then play up those eyes please!! Are you an amazon princess with your killer cheekbones, then use that highlighter and play up that bone structure baby!
Hold your phone above you, above always looks better, you look younger and your eyes look bigger.
Work those eyes, same as a good portrait photography, there are pictures that are just ok and then there are the BAM portraits. Note the BAM portrait has something going on with the eyes, you can feel some sort of emotion, it's mysterious, it's a genuine laugh, it's sullen... it's so subtle but so obvious when you see it. Feel it! Genuinely laugh, or think longing deep thoughts... it will show trust me.
Or if all else fails, just hold something interesting, that always works!

By Sara Waterman NJ Family Photographer